Monday, 6 January 2014

31st Dec

I've never been so happy to see cellaphane wrapping.  The bike was all boxed up the night before waiting by the door- soaking up water from a newly sprung plumbing leak in the workshop- only to be discovered at 5am on leaving for the airport. Wet cardboard doesn't travel well!

The plane journey was 11 or so hours on which to reflect on why I would leave behind so much that was good and comfortable- for a solo trip into the unknown.

I was really aware that I was heading out of my comfort zone.  I made the resolution that after this I'd have a quiet comfortable life- a bit like Bilbo Baggins.  Thing is- I seem to remember deciding that before.

The Armenian-born taxi driver who took me to my hotel room- that would be my bike workshop for the night- said drivers normally wouldn't have agreed to fit the bike box in- but he'd seen that I was a bit different- so he'd given it a go.  Maybe he was making sure he got a tip- or maybe I should try the sleep-deprived- little girl in a big world look more often!

The shabby chaotic hotel was perfect- no-one even seemed to notice the enormous box I hauled into my room.  Eight good hours sleep later I emerged to clear blue sky- palm trees and non-dairy creamer. 

First glimpse of the Pacific.  I'd found my way down the LA highways to the cycle paths along the beach.  Just as one stretch of easy path was ending- up popped Frank.  Frank has cycled the Pacific US route 3 times and has cycled from Washington to Maine over 3 months on his own.  He was out for a spin and escorted me this way and that- through the maze of streets- while talking nineteen to the dozen bout everything I needed to know- and 3 miles later dropped me off at the next beach cycle path section.  Couldn't have asked for a better welcome.  Cheers Frank!  May the winds be at your back.

One loose rear wheel spoke. Twiddled about with my spoke key.  Glad to have noticed it.

Heading down the highway at dusk and into the dark- looking for a place to sleep.  Found a little nook at the top of a sandy sea cliff  'State beach'  park.  Wrapped myself up in my tent- lying between some tough coastal bushes.  Some city lights in the distance round the coast.  Looked up at shooting stars and listened to the waves crashing.  Patchy sleep. 

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